Wild Radiance

Imagine a spa retreat but for your nervous system

Where pleasure gets to be your power move

Where sensuality gets to be synergistic to your success

Where deep internal safety gets to be your body’s default setting

You know you need to relax but whenever you schedule in time to, you can’t bring yourself to fully enjoy it - it feels unnatural and like you’re wasting your time, so you find yourself multitasking with a podcast or audiobook, so “no second is wasted” or whatever Tony Robbins said

Silence and nothingness and complete utter relaxation feel so uncomfortable for you, like if you’re anything less than 100% efficient for one moment you’ll miss something critical

You can’t enjoy a long hot soak in the bath without having a podcast or a course that you’re taking playing in the background

Or you feel guilty or like you’re being selfish for prioritising your pleasure and relaxation when you remember your parents asked you for that favour because you feel like you have a duty to them;

And when it isn’t your parents it’s your sister, or your best friend - there’s always someone expecting you to take care of them

You’re smart, successful, self-sufficient, well-groomed, all the right things on paper, you don’t ask for much from a man, and you still attract low quality men that ask to split the bill, take hours to text back and only text you after 11pm saying “come over ;)”

You do the affirmations, the thought flips, reframing limiting beliefs, but don’t actually FEEL like you are worthy of or deserve to have healthy love or be treated like a queen by your partner

They just feel like phrases that you keep repeating instead of feeling real, like they’re going in one ear and out the other and are just another “task” to add in to your already cramped day

You practise more gratitude and try to be more compromising, more patient, more tolerant and resilient but you’re still getting taken for granted and treated like a “convenience” in your relationships

You’ve been doing the mindset work and working on your limiting beliefs about relationships, and you know you get to attract high quality marriage-material men that shower you with beautiful gifts, dates and compliments and take care of everything so you can turn your brain off and relax in their presence, yet you’re still attracting below minimum effort men that only text you “you up?” after 11pm

You’ve been doing the affirmations, thought flipping, reframing, working on limiting beliefs - and you know you get to have your family and friends appreciate you and make the effort to ensure your needs are taken care of, yet you still find yourself playing “caretaker” or “therapist” to your family and friends, with little or no reciprocation from them

You’re articulating your boundaries and standards more clearly and more repeatedly to get the man you’re dating to know what standard of treatment you will accept and what behaviours you won’t put up with, and for your family and friends to know when they’re asking for too much from you  - and that doesn’t seem to get you treated any better

These get to be a thing of the past after you join me for Wild Radiance, an 8-week program where you:

Unlearn the patterns that keep you thinking you need to do more and exhaust yourself to get more, and instead welcome in ease and feeling deeply supported

Kick people pleasing and nice girl syndrome to the curb with my Good Girl Extinguisher Protocol,

So you feel safe communicating the standards, desires and requirements that you really want but society has taught you weren’t important or weren’t allowed

And your desires now get to become the guideposts instead of expectations or shoulds

Learn to express your wild unapologetic feminine flavours confidently and fearlessly

And you see how their superpowers start bringing you everything you want - in your relationships, in your business, in your finances, in your health

Communicate how valuable you are without needing to speak a word, as your inner game does all the talking for you

Your value becomes blindingly obvious to both you and anything that interacts with you, so this is how they treat you

Say goodbye to being treated like Miss Convenient and start being treated like the “omg what do I have to do to impress her and keep her” Dream Woman 

This is for you if you:

Are fed up of making decisions based on shoulds instead of what feels pleasurable and like a full-body-f*ck-yes for you

Feel like doing things purely for your pleasure feels unnatural, frivolous or naughty, like you’re doing something wrong

Are ready to be completely done with being seen as the reliable hyper-independent superwoman that can do it all, has everything figured out herself so doesn’t ever need help, and takes care of everyone’s every need

And done with attracting men that see you that way and are happy to let you mother them, finance them and literally do everything for them,

You wish your loved ones wrapped you up in cotton wool, showed you support and appreciation and took care OF YOU for once

Believe you’re unworthy, have nothing/little to offer or don’t deserve to be well-paid or be with a healthy masculine man or be supported and treated like a queen in your relationships

Were told you weren’t allowed to be too this or too that; that it was bad to do this and shameful to do that and that’s not what “good” “modest” “respectable” girls do

Find yourself often saying “yes” when you really mean “no”;

Find it hard to express boundaries in a healthy way and maintain them

Are sick of not being able to put your foot down about the things that are unacceptable to you, letting others undermine or disrespect you and then feeling like sh*t or beating yourself up for not being able to speak up for yourself

Are so done with trying to please everyone else at your own expense

And you deeply desire:

More relaxation, spaciousness and ease and to be able to clock out for a few moments without feeling like the world will stop if you pause to come up for air or take a breather

To enjoy and be fully confident and present on dates or with your partner (or in any interaction for that matter) with no trace of insecurities, self-doubt or anxiety - you know how much value you bring just from your being and your presence

More time for pleasure - to run a luxuriously fragrant bath or read a few chapters of that racy novel, that you wish you could keep your eyes open long enough to read

To feel safe and free expressing yourself - your desires, your boundaries, your non-negotiables in a relationship, your lifestyle choices, your quirks, your creativity - without feeling like you can’t because of fear of other people’s judgement or being ridiculed or abandoned

More energy to do the things you love that fulfil you, and impact the people/causes you care about because you have more than enough energy to devote to and serve them

To get the youthful glow back in your skin, the lustre and lushness back in your hair, the brightness back in your eyes and the spring back in your step as your body is no longer in a high-cortisol state from years of pent-up stress and stuck emotions

To be done with efforting, struggling and forcing your way towards your goals and instead magnetise these experiences and opportunities to you

To regulate your nervous system and create deep internal safety within your body, so you can relax knowing it’s all working out for you and can fearlessly say “f*ck you” to anything that doesn’t feel good to you

To stop leaking your precious time and energy to sh*tty men that you come away from your interactions with feeling like they were a time- and energy-suck

A more satisfying relationship or dating experiences, as you attract and have the man or men in your life spoil you, be attentive to your needs, make decisions with your well-being and happiness at the forefront of their mind, take your responsibilities off you so you can relax, turn off your brain, soften and and just “be”

To say goodbye to wearing burnout and self-sacrifice as a badge of honour, and welcome in ease and feeling deeply supported and like everything is falling into place perfectly

To kick people pleasing others at the expense of your own needs to the curb:

By getting right to the root of your people pleasing ways and good girl syndrome, so you can heal them and no longer have them run the show - doing things that don’t feel good to you, saying “yes” when your body really means “no”, depleting yourself as you put others first at your own expense, and missing out on amazing experiences or doing big things because you were too humble to appoint yourself good enough or deserving of them - become a thing of the past

To effortlessly switch between your different flavours:

Kill it at work or in your business without taking “boss babe mode” home with you so you can relax and be in your feminine in your relationship - maintain polarity so your relationship stays hot and juicy and you feel like you have a masculine man taking care of you

The Wild Radiance Framework:

We map out a clear vision of what your desires would be if there were no limits or rules or compromises or settling or playing small or needing to censor yourself or needing to be “realistic” or “reasonable”:

We’ll get super specific with this - what things you’d really love to have time for and the freedom to do, how you’d like to be treated by your loved ones, what kind of men you’d like to attract, what kind of support you desire from others 

And we’ll map out a clear picture of your new identity as someone who already has those desires, and we create affirmations based on what you must believe to be true to be able to have the things you want - we carefully curate the affirmations according to what evokes a full body response, otherwise they have little effect if only understood mentally and not felt in the body

We design and schedule in action steps that you repeatedly and ritualistically take to get 1% closer to this new identity every day

The desire mapping makes you focus on what you’re moving towards, instead of what you’re moving away from (ie focusing on and being pulled by desire vs by fear or lack)

The repetition of actions along with the affirmations engrains the new identity into your subconscious mind, after which momentum helps you along and compounds your results, so you’ll automatically find herself doing the things bit by bit to resemble more of this identity without conscious effort on your part, until you literally become Her

The action emphasis cements the new identity and belief systems in the body and the subconscious instead of just being intellectualised or understood mentally - when things are so deeply rooted, editing them in the conscious mind isn’t going to cut it, the deeper subconscious pathways, that store things in the body and the womb, need to be reprogrammed

By scheduling rituals and ensuring you follow them as a non-negotiable, you will communicate to yourself, anyone who happens to be watching and the universe that you are valuable and your needs are a priority

You need to be doing LESS, not more, so before adding in extra things to an already cramped schedule, we subtract anything that uses your time and energy and attention and cognitive real estate that isn’t in line with your desires, as these are your most precious resources, ie your currency, and you need to be ruthless with who and what you give them to

You need to establish firm boundaries - which are almost always supposed to be communicated not with spoken words, but with action and withdrawal of attention (as again this is your currency, you need to be ruthless with who and what you allocate it to) - 

We establish what are non-negotiables for you - what behaviours from others are no longer acceptable for you to tolerate, how far is “doing too much” for others at the expense of your own health, happiness and well-being and therefore you’ll no longer do, what things you’ll make time for no matter what, what things, experiences and lifestyle choices you’ll pursue no matter how others react, and you’ll be given some practices to implement to help you in removing your attention from those below standard experiences 

For the boundaries that do need to be communicated with words, we’ll come up with a script to be able to do this in a confident and empowered way

We’ll process every lingering experience that still has an emotional charge attached to it through somatic release practices, so they no longer occupy so much of your attention and emotional energy in the background, freeing up that energy to move towards your dreams and the experiences that you actually do want

Otherwise you’ll subconsciously be focused on how to avoid those feelings again instead of moving towards what you actually do want or what is pleasurable for you,

As our brains are wired to be pleasure-seeking and pain-avoiding, but pain-avoiding dominates over pleasure-seeking

You’ll be given some somatic practices you can use to self-regulate your nervous system to feel deep internal safety and the feeling of your needs being met - so you know and feel in your body that even when others are acting out, that you are safe regardless and don’t need to go into the “fawn” part of the fight/flight/freeze/fawn response and resort to people-pleasing behaviours (eg chasing, caretaking, giving in to below standard treatment) to appease and minimise conflict and so feel safe

We’ll design and schedule in super sensual feminine rituals and pleasure practices, to connect you to your body and to your pleasure, and show yourself that your pleasure and your relaxation are important, 

and through prioritising your rituals and be seen unapologetically prioritising these you will show yourself (through your BODY so it permeates your subconscious), others and the universe that you are precious and valuable, and by prioritising these over your to-do list (along with deep slow breathing and deliberate slowing down of actions) you will show your nervous system that there is no threat or urgency and it can relax as it is safe

We’ll explore your own personal root causes of your people-pleasing and approval-seeking behaviours, and through following my Good Girl Extinguisher Protocol (custom tailored to your own situation and objectives/intentions) you’ll feel increasingly more confident and fearless in taking the steps to follow the wild sh*t on your bucket list, without fearing backlash or criticism or what people will think or feeling guilty or like you’re doing something wrong (for not always being there to take care of everyone else or doing what you’re supposed to or being self-sacrificial), and learns to sit with the “disapproval” and “disappointment” as you rock the boat confidently while feeling safe, and be the bad girl that does and gets whatever you want regardless, because let’s be brutally honest how far did being the good girl get you?

We’ll clear the distortions in your belief systems that make you feel like you’re unsupported and have to do everything alone, and cause you to act in ways that repel support from others thereby reinforcing that belief in your reality

We do this through building belief momentum around feeling supported, starting with the existing support you already receive, the lens through which you view others and the world, and what happens differently when you learn to ask for support in a more empowered way

You’ll be given scripts for those uncomfortable conversations which you can make your own to fit your situation

We’ll clear any distortions in your belief systems preventing you from feeling like you are enough as you are and recognising your innate value and worth, and causing you to not feel confident in showing up in those high-level rooms or approaching interactions with high calibre men, people you see as important or influential etc as you put them on a pedestal - you think you’re inferior to them, don’t have enough of your own value to be an equal contributor to your interaction or relationship and therefore feel like you have to over perform, overdeliver, prove your worth or compete to get picked and be the “favourite”

We’ll build conviction in your innate value and sense of self-worth, through value conviction exercises, so you’ll be able to confidently rub shoulders with the wealthy and the influential, because you’ll no longer put them on a pedestal, as you’ll know you’re the sh*t and that your presence adds something to your existence that they desperately crave, you’ll stand firm in what you deserve no matter who says what to put you down, belittle you or get you to short-change yourself or compromise on your standards, and your every move will reek of audacity, fearlessness and shamelessness

What’s included:

8x weekly 1:1 Zoom calls

Voxer support in between sessions so you get all the support you need to integrate the new practices and ask me any questions

Follow-up report with action steps after each session

Custom affirmation tape to use as a daily alignment practice

2 weeks email support after the last session


£2222 pay in full or 2x £1144